Category: Interesting

October 5, 2012

Friday Tech, Money & Business Round-Up

Check out this week’s interesting tech, money & business discussions: 3D printing for fun and profit: a serious hobby grows up Gradually making it’s way into the mainstream, 3D printing is beginning to catch the eye of technologists world wide. The promise of product production at the push of a button is becoming closer to […]

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September 24, 2012

How Much are you Worth to Google?

All the news lately has been about the iPhone 5 so we thought we would take a look at something different – just how much are you worth to Google and other search engines? First off, some Google stats: on July 19th, 2012 Google Inc announced it’s second quarter 2012 results with revenues up 35% […]

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February 7, 2012

Breaking Down Google’s Revenue

Google’s revenue from advertising was $37.9 billion last year. This great infographic from our friends at Word Stream illustrates the breakdown of the top 10 spending industries with their keywords and cost per click (CPC).   It’s clear to see that within a highly saturated market, bidding more for a word or phrase can generate sales but as […]

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