Celebrating Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday! Celebrated on the first Tuesday after American Thanksgiving, Giving Tuesday serves as a reminder that there is more to the “holiday season” than consuming and officially get the “giving season” going!
Not everyone knows when Giving Tuesday started or where it came from, so let’s have a look at the history of the day…
In 2012 the United Nations Foundation and the 92nd Street Y organisation came together with the intention to set aside a day dedicated to celebrating the kindness of giving. Throughout the years more organizations, philanthropists and individuals have joined in the cause and celebrate this day by giving to the less fortunate. Giving Tuesday has become known as a global day of giving.
Giving Tuesday is a day where everyone, anywhere can do something to support a cause that means something to them. Or by doing something good for your local community or someone in need. So we’ve put together a few ways you can join in the cause and celebrate the kindness of giving today.
Donate to a good cause – Donations help keep the charities that mean a lot to you alive. There are a number of different charities that serve good causes from hunger and famine support to cancer research. They all play an important role. Donating is a great way to get involved and show support. Have a look at what local charities operate in your area. And donate whatever you can, even a small amount goes a long way. Some charities accept donations in the form of food, clothes and other goods. Qmee also gives you the option to donate your earnings to some charities!
Fundraise – If you’re not in a position to donate, then fundraising is a great way to raise money for causes that mean something to you. This is a fun way that allows you to get creative and involve your local community in a worthy cause. Some excellent idea’s including cake sales or auctions. If you’ve recently cleaned out your closet you could also sell your old clothes and donate the money. You could even combine festive activities.
Volunteer your time – If you have some free time why not offer to help out at your local food bank or charity. Offering your time is a great way to show support. This is also a great way to get involved in your local community and meet new people. You’ll also get to develop skills while helping out many.
Share a skill – If you have a skill today is the perfect day to share it with someone else. Teach a friend how to do something that you do well. Sharing knowledge is a powerful source of kindness and it costs nothing!