Friday Tech, Money & Business Round-Up

Check out this week’s interesting tech, money & business discussions:
3D printing for fun and profit: a serious hobby grows up
Gradually making it’s way into the mainstream, 3D printing is beginning to catch the eye of technologists world wide. The promise of product production at the push of a button is becoming closer to reality. Up until now, it has been seen as little more than a expensive hobby. But now, Disney is investing their millions of research dollars into it. This means it could grow up to become integral to the next industrial revolution, or be destined to furthering the impact of privacy, or even worse, terrorism?
The Anytime, Anywhere iWorker
Apple’s influence over the consumer market is unarguable. Apple has turned the consumer mobile phone industry on it’s head. It has overcome the dominance of Nokia and changed the relationship consumers have with their phones for ever. Can the iPhone and iPad change the landscape of business further? With 15.1% of all working Americans use 3 connected devices and at least 7 applications for work each month, it seems as though it’s in the favor of tech giants!
Failure is a feature: how Google stays sharp gobbling up startups
Since it’s beginnings in 2001, Google has purchased and integrated over 2010 companies into it’s core proposition. When Larry Page took over in 2011 he realised the importance of focusing their attention. So, he began structuring the company into 7 core product areas: Search, Chrome & Apps, Mobile, YouTube, Ads, Geocommerce & Social. The Verge take a look at just how Google’s acquisition history has affected it’s present day offering.