Qmee Comes to Safari and Internet Explorer Updates!

We thought it was time for another update from us – and we have news!
Our developers are always working none-stop, carrying out little tweaks and generally being obsessed with improving Qmee – just call us perfectionists. We are pleased to inform you that we now have a new version of Qmee for Internet Explorer that we’re really proud of. We hope that you find what we’ve created for IE is fast, easy to use and ultimately an enjoyable experience. Do let us know what you think.
We are also excited to announce that Qmee is now available on Safari. We listened to those of you (particularly you Mac users) who wanted Qmee available on the browser and it is now ready for you to use and enjoy ☺
Keep that feedback coming, we’re always on the look out for ways to make Qmee better to use and more relevant to you – so the more you can tell us about your experience the better! Qmee is progressing marvelously and your support is a big part of that so a massive thanks to you all!