Random Acts of Kindness on a Budget

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14th – February 18th). With all the negativity that goes on around us, this week is a good opportunity to do something nice for someone. This can be for a complete stranger, or for people you know. As long as it puts a smile on someone’s face, you’re on the right track.
You might be thinking, how do I do that on a budget? Well, these things don’t have to be extravagant or expensive to be kind. There are, in fact, lots of things you can do to bring some kindness and joy to others this week, whilst still remaining on a budget. Check out some of our ideas below to get inspired!

One great way you can indirectly spread some kindness is through donating unwanted items. You may have some toys that your children no longer play with since Christmas, clothes that you no longer wear, or even a few cans of soup that you know won’t get eaten. All these things can be made use of by a charity or shelter. By donating them, you can give joy to someone else’s children through the toys, or allow someone to have a meal that they may not have had without your donation. The best part – it hasn’t cost you anything & you know you’ve done something kind.
Also don’t forget, you could also spread kindness by donating money to charities. You can cash out some of that money you made by taking Qmee surveys to charity. By doing this, the charities can use the money to do some good for their causes. Check out our cash out to charity options to see the different organizations you could donate to!

Be there for someone
If you want to see the impact of your random act of kindness, you could bring it closer to home. Maybe you have a friend who’s struggling, a neighbor who’s lonely or a local refuge you want to help. It can be as easy as stopping by for a chat, or inviting your friend over for a cup of coffee. These acts may seem small to those of us who have people around us, but for people who need it, this small act of kindness could be invaluable.
You might even consider using your money from Qmee surveys to buy someone a coffee. This could be a friend, or maybe even just someone you see who needs it!

If you’ve got some spare time on your hands, you might consider donating your time and energy to something. This could come in the form of spending a day off work volunteering for a charity, or raising some money yourself. You could have a go at a bake sale if you’re a great pastry chef! Check out this chocolate cake recipe for some baking inspiration. You could even write some letters of support to a homeless shelter or a care home. All of these things would go towards helping others, so in that way spread some kindness.