Tips on how to manage stress

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month and has been held as such since 1992? The reason is to increase public awareness and bring attention to the causes of stress and how to help manage it in day-day life.
Stress is one of the things that affect all of us at one point or another in our lives and is a pretty normal experience. But it can have devastating effects if not managed effectively and can even in some cases result in physical illness. Managing stress is different for everyone and it can arise from many different areas.
Therefore It’s important that we all take some time to learn about some of our stress triggers so that we can manage them better.
In celebration of Stress Awareness Month, we’ve put together a few ways to help manage stress…
Stay Active…
Exercising is a fantastic way to relax and manage stress, plus it’s a major mood booster! If you’re not already exercising regularly now is the perfect time to get started. Try and get your heart pumping for at least 30 minutes a day or 3 times a week at least. Exercise does not mean that you have to get your running shoes on or join the gym. It can be anything that gets your heart pumping – dancing, walking, and even housework all count. Try and have some fun with it, that way you’re more likely to stick to it.
Eat healthy foods…
A healthy balanced diet can help improve mood and in turn help reduce stress. When preparing meals, try and make more mindful healthier choices. Swap out foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar for foods that are rich in fibre and nutrients (such a fruit and vegetables). Cut down on sugary drinks and alcohol and stick to water instead. Making your own homemade meals is a great way to stay on track with what you’re eating – not to mention it’s also much cheaper! Check out our recipes for some great healthy meal ideas.
Take part in stress reduction activities…
When feeling stressed it’s a good idea to take part in some activities known to reduce stress. These can include meditation, breathing exercises, colouring or listening to music. These are all great stress reducers and will definitely help your stress management overall. You could even take a Qmee survey or two to get your mind off everything else.
Make time for the things you love…
Life can get really busy, but it’s important to make some space for the hobbies you love doing. Spend a couple of minutes every day doing something that you love. You don’t need to spend hours on it but it will definitely help reduce your levels of stress over time.
Don’t forget to rest…
When you have a lot on your mind and a busy schedule it can sometimes feel impossible to rest – but rest is essential for stress management and reduction. Schedule a day that is solely dedicated to resting and give your mind a break from everything. This will really help you manage stress and feel better.