5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do Online

We all know you can pretty much do anything online, order food, chat to people the other side of the world, watch films and earn money with Qmee but did you know you could do these as well…
1. Find Your Ring Size
Buying a ring can be difficult at the best of times, let alone doing it online and if it’s for someone else it’s usually a struggle. FindMyRingSize help you figure it out, with two simple things a bankcard and a ring for comparison! That does mean you might need to sneak into your partners jewelry box but it’ll definitely be worth it.
2. Measure the Distance Between Your Pupils
So simple and so usful. Similarly to finding a ring online, buying glasses online can be a pain especially when you haven’t got your prescription to hand. Warby Parker has probably one of the best online measurers and all you need is a bankcard to help you measure.
3. Create Your Own Police Sketches
We’ve all seen them in the films and have wanted a bash, so with Ultimate Flash Face you can. You could definitely waste a whole lot of time trying to create a realistic sketch of yourself…we’ll be back in 2 hours 😉
4. Find the Seat Map of Any Flight on Any Airline
You can find most seat plans on an airlines site but SeatGuru by Trip Advisor you can find exactly where your seat is, other people who have sat their and left feedback. One nifty little thing about the plans is that it marks, in yellow, if some seats have drawbacks so you know whether or not to sit there.
5. Take dozens of MIT physics courses….for FREE!
MIT are probably one of the most influential universities when it comes to physics and with their Open Courseware section you can find video lectures, notes and assignments all for free. You can learn astrophysics, just like current students but without the hefty fees. Just pay for broadband and open your mind to the world of physics.
2 thoughts on “5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do Online”
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Thanks for writing this detailed post.
Isolina Pixley