Monday Mashup: Superfast Internet, Google Maps for iOS and Retirement

Netflix ranks Google Fiber as the “most constantly fast ISP in America”
Google’s recently released experience, Fibre, which offers superfast broadband speeds up to 1Gps to residents of Kansas City, has been ranked as the constantly fastest ISP in America by popular video on demand service Netflix.
Netflix has a vested interest in improving America’s access to the internet due to it’s huge catalog of movies and television shows which stream only through Internet-connect computers, set-top boxes and games consoles. Internet video requires a significant amount of bandwidth and a fast connection to ensure the optimum experience.
Google’s foray into providing fast Internet access has been met with much praise. However, with one analyst putting the cost of a nationwide roll out at $140billion and Google’s deep pockets only stretching to a measly $45billion, it’s unlikely America will see free superfast internet any time in the near future.
Google Maps becomes the App Store’s most popular free app, just 7 hours after launch
We’ve written about the Apple Maps debacle before, however it now seems users have a replacement for the native Maps application that disappeared from iOS on the last software update. In a surprising twist of events Apple’s archrival has come to the rescue and released a free version of their popular map software. The previous Maps application ran courtesy of Google’s mapping services, but Apple’s decision to switch to their own caused uproar and much embarrassing publicity for the technology heavyweight.
The app has been received very well, quickly becoming the most popular free app on the app store and receiving a 4.5/5 rating on the UK App Store. Many people, Google themselves, are admitting it’s better than the solution it provides for it’s own Android phones. Whilst theirs has suffered from overcomplicated menus and ever evolving feature set, Apple’s strict minimalist philosophy has complimented Google’s comprehensive data solutions. If only we could see a future where the two rivals worked together to provide applications that make the most of both companies strengths.
How Much Do You Need to Save for Retirement?
Ask any of your more mature friends about the importance of saving for retirement and you’ll no doubt be met with the resounding advice to begin as soon as possible. However, trends are indicating that not nearly enough of us are committing enough money early enough to be able to comfortably support ourselves financially when our working days are over.
Although it’s a largely US focused, this infographic below from should provide some food for thought when it comes to your pension planning.