October 1, 2013
Money saving ideas for children’s parties

The kids are now back into the swing of school and of course this means the party invites will also begin rolling in. The bar for the ‘perfect party’ seems to get higher and higher every year but with our tips your little one will still have a great time – without breaking the bank! Here are our money saving ideas…
- We know you don’t want 30 kids rampaging through your house (unless your child’s birthday is in the summer – outdoor parties all round, lucky you) but using your own home will be a lot cheaper than hiring your local hall!
- Limit the number of guests to half of what you originally planned. If that seems to harsh to you then see if there is another child with a birthday round the same time – which is essentially halving all the costs!
- Instead of stuffing the cake you spent hours making – or a substantial amount of money on – into the customary gift bags, serve it as dessert instead. The kids will be just as happy and they will still be able to distinguish the lovely car/ladybird/fish shape it was originally!
- It costs a lot of money to hire someone else to entertain the kids. Although it may be a daunting prospect to organize an entire party and simultaneously be the entertainment, you will be a lot cheaper than Coco the clown. See if you can rope a trusted friend or relative in to help you make the little ones as hyper as possible instead.
- Although the kids may not feel like a party is a party without a bag of E Numbers and annoyingly loud toys, parents will be eternally grateful. Try and find something they can make to take home with instead. Providing them with icing for cakes or biscuits will solve the entertainment problems and makes sure they still have a gift at the end of the day!
Do you have any other money saving ideas for holding a kid’s party?