Spring cleaning has started early

It’s the beginning of March and that means one thing and one thing only – spring is on the way! The first day of spring isn’t officially for another couple of weeks but it looks like many people are getting in to the spirit early this year…
Over the past week we’ve seen a high number of searches for “spring cleaning” and “spring cleaning products”. We haven’t seen these terms over the last few months but now winter is coming to an end (and we can stop hibernating so much!) it’s the perfect time to give our homes a good clean and to get rid of anything we don’t need.
Now is a great time to stock up on spring cleaning products, even if you don’t want to start your spring clean just yet, as prices are likely to go up throughout March. Remember to have a look around for the best prices; it’s not also the biggest stores that do the best deals so don’t forget to check out your smaller, more local stores as well.
Have you started your spring clean? Do you have any tips on the best way to go about spring cleaning? We’d love to know so please leave us a comment…