Tips for making money from your garden

Now that spring is in full swing, it’s the perfect time of the year to start thinking about your garden and what you’re going to do with it this summer.
Whether yours is small and quaint, or you have a garden the size of a football field, we’re sure that over the autumn and winter months it wasn’t looking its’ best – so, now the warmer (and hopefully less wet!) weather has arrived, why not get started on tidying up your outdoor space. Last year we gave you some money saving ideas for gardening in springtime – take another look at those before you get started.
Saving money when gardening is always great, but have you ever thought of how you could make some money from your garden? It’s very possible! So once your outside space is back in tip-top shape, have a look at these tips for making money from your garden…
Create an allotment – allotments are about $/£10-$/£30 a year to rent, so if you have a large garden, splitting your turf in to separate plots is an easy way to earn some extra cash without making any effort! There are lots of sites online where you can advertise your allotment and it’s a great way to make use of your garden, even if you’re not the one using it.
Grow and sell plants – if you’re green-fingered and like spending time in your garden, you could make up to $/£600 a month between February and October by growing and selling plants. Have a chat with your local garden centre as they may allow you to buy the cheap pots they usually throw away – that way you’ll be saving some cash at the same time as many some! You could even set up shop at your local farmers’ market or car boot sale and sell your seedlings there.
Become a beekeeper – one basic bee hive produces about 40lbs of honey per year and most locally made nectar can be sold for anything between $/£3 and $/£10 a jar. If keeping bees doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, why not rent out the space in your garden to a budding, experienced beekeeper instead?
Rent your garden as a campsite – now this may sound a bit crazy at first, but if you’ve got a good amount of outdoor space you can charge $/£15-£20 per night, per tent (if you can fit more than one) or even more during peak seasons. Lots of people are always looking for a cheap place to pitch up, especially if you live near a landmark, a festival, or even just in the countryside.
Do you have any money-making ideas for your garden? We’d love to hear about them if you do, so leave us a comment below…