March 6, 2013

How to Enable Qmee on Google Chrome

Struggling to get Qmee on Google Chrome working for you? Well you’re in luck. As well as being relatively straight forward, we’re a helpful bunch.

First of all, check whether you have something like this in your toolbar. Can you see it? Qmee is already installed. Hooray!

Step 1 – Go to

Step 2 – Sign in

You’ll now be greated with the Qmee dashboard.

Step 3 – See the ‘Get Qmee app today…’ banner at the top? Click the orange text.

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 14.36.38

Now there should be a huge red button that says ‘Get Qmee’. 

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 14.38.23

Step 4 – Click it.

Chrome will show you some information. 4 stars…seems like people like us! Don’t forget to leave your own review.

If you’re worried about what Qmee has access to at this point, be sure to read our Qmee Promise blog. We’re completely kosher.

Step 5 – All you have to do now is click the ‘Add’ button, and wa-la! Qmee is now installed.


To make sure Qmee is working, head to Google, Amazon or eBay and try a search. Hell, even click a link. It’s on us.


You should see your Qmee bank filling up, to check how much you’ve got in your piggybank, simply click the Q and you’ll get a nice little drop down. Splendid.


Now Qmee is yours to explore. Remember to use Qmee naturally, unnatural search behavior will be recognized and you’ll not see Qmee results as much.


Qmee Updates 10 Replies to “How to Enable Qmee on Google Chrome”


10 thoughts on “How to Enable Qmee on Google Chrome

    Author’s gravatar

    Does Qmee work on chrome while in ‘incognito’ mode?


    Author’s gravatar

    Hi, not unless you specifically set it to work in incognito mode no

    Author’s gravatar

    I have set it for ‘yes’ in incognito , how long it usually take for it to kick in?

    Author’s gravatar

    Straight away – go to Google and search for Qmee and you should see it appear.

    Author’s gravatar

    Hi I have had qmee on for a couple of days and still no money and nothing seems to pop up when i do searches, help please 😉

    Author’s gravatar

    Hi Mark,

    Please drop our support team an email ( with your Qmee account email address and they’ll take a look at your account to check everything is running as it should be.


    Author’s gravatar

    Hi when I click “add” on google chrome to update qmee nothing happens. do you know what is going on?

    Author’s gravatar

    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    Can you send an email to and let our support team know you’re having trouble trying to update the app? They’ll be more than happy to help you out.


    Author’s gravatar

    Hi Lewis,

    Please drop our support team an email ( with your Qmee account email address and they’ll take a look at your account to check everything is running as it should be.


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