World Heart Day on the 29th September

World Heart Day is celebrated on the 29th of September and is part of a global campaign to spread awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention.
Did you know that cardiovascular disease is the world’s leading killer and is accountable for almost half of all non-communicable disease death’s?
Unhealthy diets, overeating, glucose levels, lack of exercise, high blood pressure and cholesterol are all potential causes of CVD, and can put you or your loved ones at risk. Therefore, on this day the World Heart Federation aims to unite people across the globe in the fight against CVD. By inspiring and encouraging healthy living and a healthy heart, and reminding us all the CVD is indeed preventable.
So now that you know a little more about World Heart Day. As commemoration we’ve put together a few tips on how to celebrate World Heart Day the right way and keep your heart healthy and happy.
Healthy eating – A healthy balanced diet can reduce your risk of developing CVD, by helping lower your cholesterol, reducing your risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. When preparing meals, try and make more mindful healthier choices. Swap out foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar for foods that are rich in fibre and nutrients (such a fruit and vegetables). Healthy fats such as oily fish and eggs are also a great source of omega’s which are great for a healthy heart. Try and cut down on sugary drinks and alcohol and stick to water instead. Making your own homemade meals is a great way to stay on track of what you’re eating – not to mention it’s also much cheaper! Check out our recipes for some great healthy meal ideas.
Stay Active – All muscles need some exercise to stay healthy and let’s not forget about the heart! Regular exercise has been shown to help prevent the onset of CVD as well as reverse some risk factors. If you’re not already exercising regularly now is the perfect time to get started. Try and get your heart pumping for at least 30 minutes a day, or 3 times a week at least. Exercise does not mean that you have to get your running shoes on or join the gym. It can be anything that gets your heart pumping – dancing, walking, and even housework all count. Try and have some fun with it, that way you’re more likely to stick to it.
Reduce stress – Did you know that stress can contribute to CVD, by increasing blood pressure and the risk of diabetes? Stress affects everyone and it can sometimes seem extremely hard to overcome or manage. When feeling stressed it’s a good idea to take part in some stress reduction activities. These can include meditation, breathing exercises, colouring or listening to music. These are all great stress reducers and will definitely help your stress management overall and keep your heart healthy. You could even take a Qmee survey or two to get your mind off everything else.
Say no to smoking – If you’re a regular smoker, now is the time to quit. According to the World Heart Federation within just 2 years of quitting the risk of CVD is considerably reduced. Exposure to second hand smoke has also been shown to increase risk of CVD. So by quitting you’ll be not only reducing your risk but the risk of those around you. Quitting smoking is understandably not easy to do especially if it’s been a long term habit. But by taking small actionable steps, it definitely is achievable.
These are a few tips we’ve put together on how to celebrate World Heart Day and keep your heart healthy. Remember the aim of the campaign is to spread awareness. So why not wear something red and share a few of your healthy heart tips with your friends and family.