Back to school in the UK

Our American Qmee users have already faced going back to school after their summer break, and now it’s time for our UK users to do the same. Lots of schools and universities in the UK started their first term this week, and many more will be starting next week.
As we said in our Back to School blog last month, a lot of people start to feel anxious and worried when thinking about going back to school – it’s not easy after a month of barbecues and relaxing with friends, especially if you’ve just left school and you’re starting your first year of university.
But we think going back to school or starting university is an exciting time too; you just need to do a bit of planning and preparing so you feel completely relaxed (or as relaxed as possible!) when day one starts. Don’t worry if day one has already started, there’s still time to get organised while you settle in to a routine. Here’s a reminder of our best tips…
Find a place to study – although your lessons haven’t started yet, this should be the first thing on your agenda. Whether you’re moving away from home to go to university, or you’re heading back to secondary school, having your own space to study is important. You can be easily distracted by your roommates or parents when trying to study so maybe think about using the school/university’s library as your study space, or a quiet coffee shop that has free WiFi?
Organise yourself – have a plan, write it down, follow it. It’s as simple as that! You’re much more likely to stick to a schedule if it’s written down than if you just make a plan in your head. There are some great apps you can download to help with homework planning, or you could opt for a simple day planner and tick things off your to-do list with a pen.
Stay healthy – eating the right food can make a huge, positive difference with your school life. Filling up on junk food or sweet treats won’t keep you properly nourished whilst studying. Skipping meals can leave you feeling weak and unfocussed – and you definitely don’t want to be unfocussed when trying to finish an assignment/homework! Try to make healthy choices for lunch – if you’re eating at the school’s cafeteria, head to the salad bar rather choosing to have chips!
Get enough sleep – this can be hard when you’re worrying about your next test, you’ve got an assignment/homework to finish or your friends have decided to have a party! But it’s so important that you get enough sleep throughout the week – your body needs time to recharge so you’re able to think straight throughout the day. Eight hours of sleep a night is recommended so try and work that in to your routine – you’ll feel so much better if you do!
Stay positive –the right attitude can lead you on the path to success straight away. Try to see the glass as half-full when it comes to finishing your assignments – so instead of always thinking “I won’t ever get this done in time”, think “I’ll definitely finish this on time if I start it now!” and you’re much more likely to succeed in doing so. Exercise is a great way to help you feel more positive about life in general so why not join the school/university gym. Optimism is important in coping with all aspects of school life.
We’d really love to hear your tips on going back to school, or if you’re starting at a new university, so leave us a comment below…