Tag: money saving tips

April 17, 2018

Money saving tips for when you’re shopping

Saving money can be difficult when you seem to need to buy something new every week, or more food every day! No matter what you’re buying, it’s true to say that for many of us, shopping takes up a large amount of our monthly budget. But do you really need everything you’re shopping for? Are […]

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March 27, 2018

Things to do this Easter weekend

The Easter weekend is only a few days away and the celebrations will soon be starting. Many families use the holiday to spend quality time together and have some fun, especially if there are children involved. Chocolate, gifts, Easter eggs and decorations are just a few things people often end up spending money on for […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Things to do this Easter weekend”
March 13, 2018

Money saving ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day

This Saturday (March 17th) is St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrating the life of the Patron Saint of Ireland has become a day full of fun that the whole family can get involved with. Whether you’re Irish, have Irish family or friends, or just like to enjoy the festivities, there are lots of way you can join […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day”
March 6, 2018

Tips for treating your Mum on Mother’s Day

As many of you will know, this Sunday is Mother’s Day in the UK. Chances are lots of you have already decided how you’re going to treat your Mum and you’re very well prepared for the day. But, for those of you that are a bit less organised and aren’t sure what to do for […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for treating your Mum on Mother’s Day”
February 27, 2018

DIY on a budget

As we’re coming to the end of February, we’ve started thinking of all the odd jobs around the home we want sorted out in the next couple of months. It’s the perfect time of year to get them done! As DIY jobs often feel like a chore, many of us end up paying other people […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “DIY on a budget”
January 16, 2018

How to save in January

Every month of the year offers a unique opportunity to save money and January is no exception – in fact, January is a great month for saving money! There’s still two weeks of January left, so there’s still plenty of time to get in to the money-saving frame of mind. As we mentioned in our […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to save in January”
January 2, 2018

Tips for saving money in 2018

It’s the second day of a brand new year – the festivities and holiday season are finished, and it’s back to work and reality. So, it’s the perfect time to think about your finances and saving money this year. This might not sound like much fun but it’s necessary if you’d like to have more […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for saving money in 2018”
December 26, 2017

Enjoying New Year’s Eve on a budget

Well now that Christmas Day is over and we’ve all eaten our own body weight in delicious Christmas food, it’s time to start thinking about what we’re going to do for New Year’s Eve! Many of you will already have a plan for the 31st December, but we’re sure there are also plenty of people […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Enjoying New Year’s Eve on a budget”
October 24, 2017

Having fun for less on Halloween

With just one week to go until Halloween, have you made plans for the 31st yet? If not, don’t panic! Things have started to get spooky! Pumpkins are being carved, decorations are going up around the neighbourhood and treats are being bought and baked in preparation for the “trick or treaters”. We understand you want to […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Having fun for less on Halloween”
August 8, 2017

Restyling your summer closet on a budget

Everyone wants to look good and feel great in the summer – and a big part of that is being happy with the clothes you’re wearing. We’ve all had that awful moment when you open your closet and can’t find anything at all that you want to wear! Those trousers are too small, that top […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Restyling your summer closet on a budget”
July 11, 2017

Saving money on your summer vacation

Summer vacations are one of the best things about the season and the thought of them often helps us through the first half of the year! Have you got yours booked? No? Well there’s no need to panic if you haven’t! Last minute summer vacations are great and you can often save a lot more […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Saving money on your summer vacation”
May 30, 2017

Summertime on a budget

It’s June 1st in two days’ time and that means the summer months are almost officially here. June, July and August usually bring brighter, warmer weather which, in turn, brings lots of opportunities to enjoy being outside. If you’re a sun-worshipper, we’re sure you’ve already started planning lots of fun things to do out and […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Summertime on a budget”
May 23, 2017

Money saving tips for the perfect wedding

Every year the months of May to August are full of excited couples, either starting their wedding plans or finalising the ones they already have in place. Wedding season is fully under-way! Everyone wants their wedding to be the perfect day – and so it should be. The amount of work and effort put in […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving tips for the perfect wedding”
April 25, 2017

Mother’s Day in the USA – money saving ideas!

You may remember a couple of months ago we did a post about sticking to your budget for Mother’s Day in the UK. Well, seeing as Mother’s Day in the US is just over 2 weeks away, we thought it only fair that we did one for our US users too! Mother’s Day in the […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Mother’s Day in the USA – money saving ideas!”
April 11, 2017

Enjoying springtime on a budget

As spring has officially started, the cold weather has started to come to an end, the sun has started to shine and the outdoors is becoming more colourful as flowers and trees start to blossom. It’s wonderful! Springtime means we can start to enjoy the outdoors again without worrying about how cold it’s going to be, […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Enjoying springtime on a budget”
April 4, 2017

Saving money at Easter time

The Easter weekend isn’t far away and the celebrations will soon be starting. Many families use the holiday to spend quality time together and have some fun, especially if there are kids in the family. It’s easy to get carried away when celebrating any holiday, and Easter is no exception – chocolate, gifts, Easter eggs […]

Just for fun, Money Saving One Reply to “Saving money at Easter time”
March 21, 2017

Mother’s Day on a budget

It’s Mother’s Day in the UK on Sunday, and although we should be showing our Mum’s that we love them all year round, it’s a nice way of making everything about her for one whole day. Think about everything she’s done for you over the years – she deserves a special day, right? We definitely […]

Money Saving One Reply to “Mother’s Day on a budget”
February 28, 2017

DIY tips to help save money in March

It’s the first of March tomorrow and we’ve started thinking of all the odd jobs around the home we want sorted out before spring properly arrives. DIY jobs can often feel like a chore, so many of us end up paying other people to do them – and a lot of the time we end […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “DIY tips to help save money in March”
January 31, 2017

Money saving ideas for Valentine’s Day

It’s the beginning of February tomorrow which means Valentine’s Day is approaching! The most romantic day of the year is two weeks away and the pressure of doing something wonderful on the 14th for our other half is building. But doing something wonderful doesn’t mean having to spend lots of money. A fancy restaurant, a big […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving ideas for Valentine’s Day”
January 18, 2017

Spending time at home in January

January can be a very difficult month – the excitement of New Year is over, everyone has gone back to work and bank accounts are stretched to the limit whilst waiting for pay day. No wonder people get the ‘winter blues’ this time of year! Especially when trying not to spend too much money at […]

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