February 15, 2022

Vous avez terminé une enquête, mais avez reçu une récompense moins importante que prévu ? Voici pourquoi.

Vous vous êtes déjà demandé pourquoi vous ne receviez qu’une petite récompense à la fin d’une enquête ? Parmi les nombreuses réactions que nous avons reçues au sujet des enquêtes, nous avons souvent rencontré des questions telles que « Pourquoi n’ai-je pas reçu la totalité de la récompense pour cette enquête ? » ou « Je suis arrivé à […]

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February 15, 2022

Comment vérifier complètement votre compte PayPal ?

Chez Qmee, nous accordons une grande importance à la sécurité de nos utilisateurs, surtout lorsqu’il s’agit de vos récompenses durement gagnées. Nous ne voulons pas que quelqu’un d’autre mette la main dessus, c’est pourquoi vous devez avoir un compte PayPal entièrement vérifié et lié à votre compte Qmee pour pouvoir encaisser vos récompenses. Si vous […]

February 15, 2022

Random Acts of Kindness on a Budget

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 14th – February 18th). With all the negativity that goes on around us, this week is a good opportunity to do something nice for someone. This can be for a complete stranger, or for people you know. As long as it puts a smile on someone’s […]

February 10, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Asparagus cream pasta

Need some inspiration for something to cook for your significant other this coming Valentine’s Day? Well, this recipe for an asparagus cream pasta is bound to be a great meal. It’s super simple, quick & easy, but still delicious! Now, you can spend more time sitting at the table talking with your loved one, rather […]

February 8, 2022

Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! You might be starting to think of ideas to celebrate this day with your loved one. However, it can be tricky to come up with ideas that make the day special, that don’t cost the Earth. So, if you’re looking for ways to give your loved one a […]

February 7, 2022

Meet Our Users – Julie’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Julie, based in Nottinghamshire, England. Julie […]

February 4, 2022

Meet Our Users – Felix’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Felix, located in Dallas, Texas. Felix […]

February 3, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Spaghetti carbonara

January can feel like a slog! A great way to get over that feeling is by eating great food. So, we found this recipe for a delicious, creamy spaghetti carbonara. This pasta dish would be perfect with some buttery garlic bread or some rosemary flavored focaccia. This homely recipe is bound to put a smile […]

February 2, 2022

Meet Our Users – Fred’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Fred, based in Eaton, Ohio. Fred […]

February 1, 2022

Money Management Tips for College Students

This blog is written by guest writer, Erica Sunarjo. Erica is a professional writer with a focus on finances, travel, and student life. She is currently working with a team of professionals at TrustMyPaper, whilst also being an avid reader and a surfer. For college students, living alone is a huge challenge. Not only will […]

January 31, 2022

Meet Our Users – Manny’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Manny, based in Burbank, California. Manny […]

January 27, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Ultimate chocolate cake

Today (January 27th) is National Chocolate Cake Day – yay! To celebrate, we’ve found a delicious recipe for the ultimate chocolate cake! Moist, rich and fudgy, this will really hit the spot if you’re craving something chocolatey.  Perfect with cream, chocolate or ice cream, this cake is great for dessert or an afternoon treat! For […]

January 25, 2022

Making Your Money Last

Due to the holidays, January can mean a longer period between pay checks compared to other months of the year. On top of this, a lot of us make New Year’s resolutions to budget or manage our money better. So, here at Qmee, we’ve come up with a couple of ideas that might help you […]

January 24, 2022

Meet Our Users – Mike’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Mike, who lives in Rochester, NY. […]

January 20, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Sticky toffee banana bread

After buying lots of healthy food with good intentions for the new year, you might’ve found that you have some fruit that needs to be eaten before it goes off. Instead of giving you a super healthy recipe, we thought ‘best not waste that fruit’. So, we’ve got a recipe for sticky toffee banana bread […]

January 19, 2022

Meet Our Users – Billy’s story

As many of you who are connected with us on social media know, we have been asking you (the Qmee users!) to send us your Qmee stories. We’ve wanted to know all about why you use Qmee and what you use the rewards for!  The story below is from Billy, who lives in Oklahoma, USA. […]

January 18, 2022

Winter Activities on a Budget

If you read last week’s blog about curing the winter blues, then you would’ve seen the section on indoor activities. You might be thinking you’ve exhausted all the options for things to do inside this winter, but there are plenty of exciting ideas when you get creative! But, don’t worry, these indoor activities are also […]

January 13, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Bean burritos

Our recipe this week is for vegan burritos. In the UK, January is considered by some to also be ‘Veganuary’. This is an annual charity challenge that involved 580,000 people in 2021. The challenge involves people trying to not use or consume any animal sourced products for the duration of January. There are many reasons […]

January 11, 2022

Curing the Winter Blues

Long, dark winter nights can really put a downer on things if you’re a sun worshipper. Especially if a lot of your favorite hobbies and activities involve being outside. This can make winter a really tough time for some of us. But, don’t worry – here at Qmee we’ve come up with some ideas to […]

January 6, 2022

Qmee Recipes – Veg & lentil soup

Lots of us make New Year’s resolutions to take care of our bodies more. This normally means eating healthier, drinking less alcohol or fizzy drinks and getting more exercise. For many of us, these habits don’t come naturally, so sticking to them can be problematic to say the least. So, here at Qmee, we thought […]

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