Tag: saving money

May 8, 2018

Tips for saving money during prom season

As many of you may know (especially those of you with children in High School), we’re currently in the height of prom season. High school proms generally happen between April and June, or near the end of the semester – so “prom season” often lasts from March (when the students first start talking about it) […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for saving money during prom season”
March 27, 2018

Things to do this Easter weekend

The Easter weekend is only a few days away and the celebrations will soon be starting. Many families use the holiday to spend quality time together and have some fun, especially if there are children involved. Chocolate, gifts, Easter eggs and decorations are just a few things people often end up spending money on for […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Things to do this Easter weekend”
March 13, 2018

Money saving ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day

This Saturday (March 17th) is St. Patrick’s Day! Celebrating the life of the Patron Saint of Ireland has become a day full of fun that the whole family can get involved with. Whether you’re Irish, have Irish family or friends, or just like to enjoy the festivities, there are lots of way you can join […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day”
March 6, 2018

Tips for treating your Mum on Mother’s Day

As many of you will know, this Sunday is Mother’s Day in the UK. Chances are lots of you have already decided how you’re going to treat your Mum and you’re very well prepared for the day. But, for those of you that are a bit less organised and aren’t sure what to do for […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for treating your Mum on Mother’s Day”
February 27, 2018

DIY on a budget

As we’re coming to the end of February, we’ve started thinking of all the odd jobs around the home we want sorted out in the next couple of months. It’s the perfect time of year to get them done! As DIY jobs often feel like a chore, many of us end up paying other people […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “DIY on a budget”
January 16, 2018

How to save in January

Every month of the year offers a unique opportunity to save money and January is no exception – in fact, January is a great month for saving money! There’s still two weeks of January left, so there’s still plenty of time to get in to the money-saving frame of mind. As we mentioned in our […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to save in January”
January 2, 2018

Tips for saving money in 2018

It’s the second day of a brand new year – the festivities and holiday season are finished, and it’s back to work and reality. So, it’s the perfect time to think about your finances and saving money this year. This might not sound like much fun but it’s necessary if you’d like to have more […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for saving money in 2018”
November 22, 2017

The best things to buy on Cyber Monday

Coming off the back of the US Thanksgiving holiday and Black Friday, Cyber Monday is the perfect time for you to take advantage of some huge discounts on tech gadgets – you just need to fire up your web browsers and start shopping! The focus on Black Friday is usually on both high street stores […]

Interesting, Money Saving 0 Replies to “The best things to buy on Cyber Monday”
November 21, 2017

Making the most out of Black Friday

The biggest sale day of the year is only three days away – of course, we’re talking about Black Friday! To make the most out of the huge savings available this week (and the even bigger ones on Friday itself), it’s best to have a plan; if you know what to shop for and where […]

Interesting, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Making the most out of Black Friday”
November 14, 2017

How to host Thanksgiving on a budget

The holidays are almost here and the first of them is just over a week away – it’s Thanksgiving on the 23rd November and we’re sure our US users are getting ready for some Thanksgiving fun! Have you ever wondered how you can possibly host a Thanksgiving dinner for your family and friends, and still […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to host Thanksgiving on a budget”
October 31, 2017

Shopping swaps to save money on the sly

We have something a bit different for you this week… our friends over at Save the Student have written a great article for saving money on the sly, and they’ve been kind enough to share it with us -thanks guys! Enjoy…   Try these 8 shopping swaps to save money on the sly Spending less […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Shopping swaps to save money on the sly”
September 5, 2017

Enjoying the fall season on a budget

The start of September also means the start of fall – with temperatures dropping, leaves changing color and starting to fall, and the whisper of Halloween and Bonfire Night in the air, it’s safe to say summer is officially over. We know not everyone is happy to see the end of summer but we think […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Enjoying the fall season on a budget”
July 11, 2017

Saving money on your summer vacation

Summer vacations are one of the best things about the season and the thought of them often helps us through the first half of the year! Have you got yours booked? No? Well there’s no need to panic if you haven’t! Last minute summer vacations are great and you can often save a lot more […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Saving money on your summer vacation”
May 2, 2017

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo on a budget

Cinco de Mayo is only three days away and for many American Qmee users it’s a chance to enjoy the Mexican culture, Mexican food and probably a few margaritas – especially as the holiday lands on a Friday this year! Many of you may know that Cinco de Mayo means ‘May 5th’ in Spanish, but […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Celebrating Cinco de Mayo on a budget”
March 14, 2017

National Nutrition Month – “Put your best fork forward”

You may be aware from the Qmee Facebook page, March is National Nutrition Month! So, this month, we’re on a mission to start eating healthy whilst still saving money. National Nutrition Month is a nutrition education and information campaign, created annually, by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The campaign focuses on the importance of […]

Interesting 0 Replies to “National Nutrition Month – “Put your best fork forward””
February 7, 2017

What’s going to be popular this Valentine’s Day?

This time next week it’ll be Valentine’s Day – or, as it’s also known, Singles Awareness Day! Have you started thinking about what you’re going to do for your other half to show them how special they are? Well whether you’ll be celebrating Valentine’s Day or not, we think it’s always interesting to find out […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “What’s going to be popular this Valentine’s Day?”
January 24, 2017

Top 5 financial resolutions for 2017

Since the beginning of January, we’ve been asking you to let us know what your New Year’s financial resolutions are as part of our #NewYearNewMeAndQmee competition (for a chance to win $100/£80 in your Qmee piggybank!). We’ve seen some great resolutions so far and some brilliant ideas for saving money this year. New Year’s resolutions, […]

Money Saving One Reply to “Top 5 financial resolutions for 2017”
January 18, 2017

Spending time at home in January

January can be a very difficult month – the excitement of New Year is over, everyone has gone back to work and bank accounts are stretched to the limit whilst waiting for pay day. No wonder people get the ‘winter blues’ this time of year! Especially when trying not to spend too much money at […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Spending time at home in January”
January 10, 2017

Saving money in January

Every month offers a unique opportunity to save money and this month is no exception. We’re only in the second week of January so there’s still plenty of time to get in to the money-saving frame of mind. As we mentioned in our blog post last week, the new year is the perfect time to […]

Money Saving 2 Replies to “Saving money in January”
September 27, 2016

How to enjoy October on a budget

It’s the end of September soon, October is almost here and we are officially in to the fall season. And what’s not to love about fall? We get to wrap up warm in fluffy clothes, the trees turn beautiful colours, there are leaves on the ground to crunch through and we get to go splashing […]

Money Saving One Reply to “How to enjoy October on a budget”
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