Tag: saving money

April 19, 2022

Buying Clothes on a Budget

When looking to freshen up your clothing collection, it can be a real chore to find the perfect outfits on a budget. That’s why we’ve put together a few suggestions so you can find the right style and the right price whilst also at the right time! It’s time to say good riddance to your […]

In The News 0 Replies to “Buying Clothes on a Budget”
April 14, 2022

Experiencing London on a Budget

Who said that broadening your horizons meant you had to reach deep into your pockets to get the amazing experience? Well… whoever it was clearly didn’t ask us first! We’ve collected a handful of budget experiences for you to try out in London! Although you may not be living with the Queen of England, with […]

In The News 0 Replies to “Experiencing London on a Budget”
September 17, 2021

Saving money as a parent

Now that the summer holidays are over and the kids are back at school it’s a good time to think about saving some money throughout fall– and seeing as fall is pretty much already here, now is the perfect time to start. We’ve been thinking about all the parents that sent their little ones off […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Saving money as a parent”
February 16, 2021

Tips for saving money on grocery shopping

Saving money can be difficult when you seem to need to buy groceries every week, or every other day! No matter how often you do your grocery shop, it’s true to say that for many of us, grocery shopping takes up a large amount of our monthly budget. But with a few simple tips and […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for saving money on grocery shopping”
October 13, 2020

How to prepare for the holiday season financially

We’re in the last quarter of the year and the holiday season is creeping up. For many of us, the holiday season is a joyous time but it can also be financially draining. Between treating yourself and your loved ones to gifts and all the holiday feasting the money can add up really quickly. In […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to prepare for the holiday season financially”
August 18, 2020

Great ways to save cash when your kids are back at school

We’re over halfway through August and if you’re a parent, this only means one thing – your children are almost back at school! Depending which country you’re based in, your kids may already be back at school, but due to the pandemic, they may also not be. September is usually the month when most children […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Great ways to save cash when your kids are back at school”
July 28, 2020

Tips and tricks to help you keep on top of your finances

Your finances can be a stressful topic to think about and discuss – especially when you’re having trouble with them – but dealing with them is a necessity if you’d like to have more money in your savings pot every month. And yes, it IS possible to save more every month (even if you can’t […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips and tricks to help you keep on top of your finances”
June 9, 2020

Quick and easy budget home improvement ideas!

Home improvement ideas are something many people have had time to ponder over recently, and whilst spending more time at home, even put those ideas in to action! DIY and home improvements are a great way to spend your time, especially if you’re not working at the moment, working less than usual or waiting to […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Quick and easy budget home improvement ideas!”
May 26, 2020

Keep your garden in tip-top shape

If you’re one of the lucky people out there to have a garden, how’s it looking at the moment?! Have you been paying attention to it, improving it, updating it? Or are you not really a fan of gardening? Whilst spending more time at home than usual over the past few months, many people have […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “Keep your garden in tip-top shape”
February 18, 2020

Tips for saving money on household purchases

No matter how prepared you are to be a homeowner, there are bound to be many household expenses that were unexpected. While going out and buying new lightbulbs may not seem like a big deal, the small purchases all start to add up little by little. Luckily, there are so many little switches you can […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Tips for saving money on household purchases”
January 2, 2020

Save more with a monthly budget

Although it may seem like a simple thing to do, setting yourself a monthly budget is one of the best ways to save money each month. If you have a budget to follow, and you know what your in-comings and outgoings are, you’re less likely to overspend and end up not being able to save […]

Interesting, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Save more with a monthly budget”
December 17, 2019

Getting Cashback Rewards when you Shop

Cashback rewards are one of the best things about shopping – whether you’re looking to change your internet provider, buy a new phone, or even start enjoying a weekly meal plan, with specially chosen offers, you’ll be getting free cash at the same time as doing something you were going to do anyway – so […]

Interesting, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Getting Cashback Rewards when you Shop”
December 3, 2019

Is last minute Christmas shopping beneficial?

Last minute Christmas shopping – you either absolutely love it or you can’t think of anything worse! This is the effect any kind of last minute shopping can have, but especially when it comes to shopping for Christmas presents just before December 25th. If you’re one of those people who don’t take pleasure in last […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Is last minute Christmas shopping beneficial?”
November 28, 2019

How to save money in 5 practical ways

It’s not uncommon to wonder how to save money – what’s the most efficient way, the easiest way, the most long-term way? If only we all knew the answer; personal finances can be one of the most stressful aspects of life, especially if you’re not particularly good at saving money. Most people often have something […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to save money in 5 practical ways”
November 12, 2019

Black Friday 2019 – are you ready for it?!

Black Friday 2019 is just over two weeks away and we are more than ready for the offers, deals and sales that many brands promote on this day and this day only! In case you’re not 100% sure, this year Black Friday lands on November 29th, so get that date in your diary if it’s […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Black Friday 2019 – are you ready for it?!”
October 15, 2019

Enjoying the fall season without breaking the bank

As the middle of October arrives, so does the fall season for our UK, US and Canadian Qmee users (our Australian users are enjoying their spring!). With temperatures dropping, leaves starting to fall and the whisper of Halloween and Bonfire Night in the air, it’s safe to say summer is definitely finished. Warm clothes, hot […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Enjoying the fall season without breaking the bank”
September 30, 2019

Money saving tips for Halloween

We know it’s only the very first day of October, and many of you may think it’s too soon to talk about it… but Halloween is just around the corner! The decorations, treats and pumpkins are already filling up the shops. This month is all about Halloween and the days leading up to the 31st. […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving tips for Halloween”
September 17, 2019

Having fun during apple season

Did you know that it’s apple season in the US? Apples aren’t native to America, however they’re one of the most valuable fruit crops (with oranges being the most valuable). The season is typically from mid-August to mid-October, so it’s in full swing right now. In the US during fall, no matter where you live […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “Having fun during apple season”
September 3, 2019

Want to eat healthy on a budget? Here’s how…

With the obesity epidemic getting worse and worse every year, one thing is clear: people need a solution. Too often, motivation to live a healthier lifestyle gets left by the wayside once someone sees how expensive being healthier actually is. That’s because most brands force you to pay a premium to purchase the low-fat, low-calorie, […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Want to eat healthy on a budget? Here’s how…”
August 12, 2019

Money saving tips for when your kids are back at school

Now that “back to school” time is almost here, and you’ve had to spend a fair amount of money on buying your kid’s school supplies (or you will have to in a the next few weeks!), it’s a great time to think about money saving when the children are back in their routine – and seeing […]

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