September 4, 2013

Funniest Amazon reviews

Some people on the internet think they’re comedians. There are so many examples of users ‘doing a funny’, but nothing is quite as funny as some of the Amazon reviews we’ve seen over the years. Here are just a few of the Amazon reviews that made us chuckle – if you’ve found anymore let us […]

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August 27, 2013

Most popular YouTube music videos of 2013 so far

There has been an influx of viral music videos this year and we’ve still got a few months to go. We know that a lot of the time procrastinating online revolves around YouTube and clicking frenzies, before being sucked into the dreaded ‘dark side’ of YouTube where you feel no one has ever been before. […]

August 21, 2013

The 15 most expensive domain names of all time [Infographic]

Sometimes searching gets frustrating. We know how it feels – you’re trying to find something specific but you’re not quite sure what it is or how to describe it. You trawl through pages and pages of results, or your search phrases get increasingly longer and supply even less results. How easy would it be if […]

August 13, 2013

Money saving tips for students

If you’re starting Uni in September, then you’ll be thinking about money. After the excitement of your first few weeks of signing up for societies (partying), sitting through countless ice breaker sessions (scoping out your local pubs), and bonding with your new flatmates (playing drinking games), it will suddenly dawn on you that you will […]

August 7, 2013

10 ways to save money around the home

Not only are we at Qmee committed to getting you money for nothing, but we also love sharing simple little life hacks that can make things a lot easier for you! Here are our latest ideas to help you save money around your home: Always comparison check online – even if it’s only for food shopping. […]

July 24, 2013

What happens online in 60 seconds? [Infographic]

We all know activity on the internet on a daily basis moves at lightning speed, but there’s something about having the numbers in front of you that makes it just a little more fascinating. In 2013 and 2014, we published the infographic “Online in 60 Seconds” and we thought it would be great to take […]

July 22, 2013

The Perfect Night In

The idea of a night in always used to mean something quite boring and implied that you were ‘getting old’. But, nowadays there are plenty of things online that can help make a night in special. Here are our top tips to make your night in go out with a bang… Netflix It will be […]

July 16, 2013

The most searched for celebrities

Search engines are now one of, if not the, main source of information for us. Qmee users already know how key search engines are in day-to-day life, after all we use ‘Google’ as a verb – no matter what search engine you use… Here are the top 10 most ‘googled’ celebrities from 2012 around the […]

July 9, 2013

Five Sites For Brides To Be

So you’re thinking about getting married, and being one of the many bides to be, and need a little inspiration, well we’ve pulled together our top sites that could definitely inspire you. Don’t worry it you’re already married (and have already had your time as part of the brides to be gang!), these have fantastic […]

June 24, 2013

Some of the most hilarious search completions ever

As a Qmee user, you know how problematic searching can be sometimes. Either you can’t quite find exactly what you’re looking for… or a search engine decides to do a funny and guess what you’re trying to find for you. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Google has a habit of […]

June 17, 2013

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do Online

We all know you can pretty much do anything online, order food, chat to people the other side of the world, watch films and earn money with Qmee but did you know you could do these as well… 1.  Find Your Ring Size Buying a ring can be difficult at the best of times, let […]

June 10, 2013

Charity – Your Pennies Are Worth More Than You Think

Here at Qmee we know we have the best users ever. Of course, just by using Qmee we know you’re already an intelligent lot (how could you not be) but we also know you’re a very generous bunch. In case you haven’t noticed already, when you collect all those pennies in your piggy bank when you […]

June 6, 2013

Qmee App Update – Showing Used Links

You know all the times you’ve contacted us with feedback/suggestions/problems? Well, we do listen, particularly when you said you wanted to see Qmee app results appear more often so we’ve made a few changes to make that happen! As from tomorrow, it might look a bit different to what you’ve been used to. You’ve told […]

June 4, 2013

Most Searched For Games In The Last Year

The big gaming event E3 Expo will be happening in New York from June 11-13 this year and excitement is at fever pitch. Attendees over the past few events have been left slightly let down by the lack of big announcements. The theory is that the big companies have been too busy working on brand […]

May 23, 2013

Holiday Destinations – Who’s searching for what

Summer’s coming and you’re starting to think about two weeks in paradise, so in case you’re wondering where everyone else wants to go, here are the top 10 searched for summer holiday destinations – plus a nice little teaser to wet your whistle! Sydney – A city, on a harbor, complete with beaches. It’s easy to […]

May 13, 2013

We’re out of BETA!

Last year, we launched Qmee with the mission of helping people earn money while they search the web. Since then, we’ve had a great uptake in users and great feedback from hundreds of you lovely folks! So far it’s been one great adventure and we’ve met some great people along the way, not least to […]

May 7, 2013

How to Enable Qmee in Safari

If Safari is your preferred browser of choice and you’re struggling to get it working then we at Qmee HQ have some handy tips for you! You’ll need to check that you can see the little grey Qmee ‘Q’ in the top left corner of your toolbar! This means that Qmee is already installed, yay! […]

April 30, 2013

Qmee Not Working and What are Qmee’s Limits?

We pride ourselves on great customer service here at Qmee. We always aim to get back to any problems and worries you have as quickly as possible. But if you’ve contacted us and we can’t get back to you right away, then here are some solutions to common problems and questions in one handy place […]

April 22, 2013

5 Products You Can Buy Which Pay For Themselves

1. A Bicycle Without a shadow of a doubt, a bicycle is one of the greatest tools mankind has created. According to some scientific research, a person on a bicycle is the most efficient form of transportation out of ANY animal in terms of energy spent by distance covered. That may not seem too impressive […]

April 12, 2013

How Can I get a Qmee Invite?

UPDATE (9/5/13) – Extra Invite Codes Available  In case you didn’t know, Qmee is still invite only. This means that in order for you to benefit from our money-making searches you need something to open the door first. A lot of you have been asking how you can get your hands on a Qmee invite […]

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