Tag: Christmas

December 24, 2021

The Best Card Games for the Holidays

With the lull of this period between Christmas and New Year, you may find yourself getting a bit restless. A great way to take your boredom away is card games! There’s no better way to give your mind a bit of a workout, and a rest from watching TV, than playing a game of cards. […]

Interesting, Just for fun 0 Replies to “The Best Card Games for the Holidays”
December 21, 2021

How-To – Christmas tree napkins

Decorating the table for Christmas can be super fun when you get creative! One cool way to get your table to look extra special is by folding napkins. That’s why this year, we decided to put together a ‘how-to’ guide for Christmas tree napkins! These super easy, minimal table decorations add a special handmade touch […]

Interesting, Just for fun 0 Replies to “How-To – Christmas tree napkins”
December 7, 2021

How to Organize for Christmas

Christmas can be a really hectic time when there is so much going on: work parties, outings with family & friends, and getting everything ready for the main day. These things can make it difficult to live in the present moment and enjoy the holiday period. During this time it’s important to organize everything so […]

Interesting, Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to Organize for Christmas”
December 23, 2020

Qmee Recipes – Christmas sticky toffee pudding

Christmas pudding is a classic festive favourite. We’ve found a modern twist to this classic staple. This Christmas sticky toffee pudding recipe is the perfect dessert to enjoy after Christmas dinner. Filled with warm festive flavours and topped with a sweet and sticky toffee sauce. Everyone at the dinner table is sure to love this […]

Recipes 0 Replies to “Qmee Recipes – Christmas sticky toffee pudding”
December 22, 2020

Christmas dinner: Tips for making it perfect!

It’s almost here, Christmas is only three days away! And excitement is filling the air. Christmas dinner is one of the biggest tradition across the world when it comes to enjoying the festive season. Christmas is one of the worlds most favourite holidays. A day to spend with the family, eating a delicious meal and enjoying each […]

Interesting 0 Replies to “Christmas dinner: Tips for making it perfect!”
December 16, 2019

Ideas for frugal family Christmas gifts

Deciding to have a frugal family Christmas is always a great way to ensure you don’t overspend during the holiday season, especially when it comes to buying gifts. It’s extremely easy to get carried away when shopping for the festivities; decorations, gifts, food and drink will all be on the list. However, your bank account […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Ideas for frugal family Christmas gifts”
December 3, 2019

Is last minute Christmas shopping beneficial?

Last minute Christmas shopping – you either absolutely love it or you can’t think of anything worse! This is the effect any kind of last minute shopping can have, but especially when it comes to shopping for Christmas presents just before December 25th. If you’re one of those people who don’t take pleasure in last […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Is last minute Christmas shopping beneficial?”
November 27, 2019

How to prepare your finances for the holiday season

The holiday season is approaching, which means there may be a lot of traveling, family time and gift giving in your near future. This time of the year is also the most popular time to spend money! According to an article on Cloudways, Americans spent $515 billion during the holiday season in 2018 and are […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “How to prepare your finances for the holiday season”
December 18, 2018

Christmas gift ideas that won’t break the bank

There’s only 1 week to go until Christmas day so we’re sure many of you have finished your holiday shopping by now. You may even have everything under the tree and beautifully wrapped too! However, there are some people who often leave their gift buying to the last minute and it’s those people we’re here […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Christmas gift ideas that won’t break the bank”
December 4, 2018

Saving money when shopping for Christmas

It’s finally here! The advent calendars are open, the trees are going up and the wreaths are on the front doors… December has arrived! That means Christmas is just around the corner. Whether you’re a big fan of Christmas or a bit of a Grinch, the fact is there’s only three weeks left to get […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Saving money when shopping for Christmas”
December 19, 2017

Getting in to the Christmas spirit

Christmas is less than a week away, it’s almost here! Everyone seems to be finishing off their holiday shopping and buying all the food for Christmas day. Here at Qmee HQ we’re definitely in the Christmas spirit… but how “Christmassy” are you feeling? Sometimes the stress of holiday shopping, finding the right presents for your […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “Getting in to the Christmas spirit”
December 13, 2016

Last minute frugal gift ideas

With only 12 days to go until Christmas day, we’re sure many of you have finished your holiday shopping by now – you may even have everything wrapped up already too. However, there are some people who often leave their gift buying to the last minute and it’s those people we’re here to help! We […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Last minute frugal gift ideas”
December 6, 2016

Christmas shopping on a budget

December is finally here and that means Christmas is just around the corner – there’s only two weeks left to get all your holiday shopping finished, or to get started if you haven’t done so already. The holiday season is one of the best times of the year as it’s all about being with family […]

Money Saving One Reply to “Christmas shopping on a budget”
November 29, 2016

5 ways to get in to the holiday spirit

It’s almost here – the 1st December is two days away and everyone knows that once December has started, the holiday spirit should too! Christmas is just under four weeks away and excitement is filling the air already. We’ve started our holiday shopping, found some great deals using the Qmee app and we’re making a […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “5 ways to get in to the holiday spirit”
December 22, 2015

5 ways to get in to the Christmas spirit

It’s almost here, Christmas is only three days away and excitement is filling the air here at Qmee HQ. We’ve finished all our holiday shopping, found some great deals using the Qmee app and our food for Christmas day is ready to be cooked. But how “Christmassy” are you feeling? Sometimes the stress of holiday […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “5 ways to get in to the Christmas spirit”
December 15, 2015

Enjoying December on a budget

We’re in to the third week of December, Christmas is just around the corner and we’re guessing a lot of your time is being spent spending money on gifts for the big day. Although Christmas shopping can be fun, it’s not the only thing you can do in December – there are lots of things you […]

Just for fun, Money Saving 0 Replies to “Enjoying December on a budget”
December 1, 2015

Christmas shopping without breaking the bank

December is finally here and that means Christmas is just around the corner – there’s only three weeks left to get all your holiday shopping finished, or to get started if you haven’t done so already. The holiday season is one of the best times of the year as it’s all about being with family […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Christmas shopping without breaking the bank”
December 17, 2013

Most popular New Year’s resolutions

With Christmas and New Year getting ever closer, many of you may have already started thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. Or maybe you’re thinking there’s no point in making one because you never stick to them anyway… Either way there is always some resolutions that come back around year after year – here are […]

Just for fun 0 Replies to “Most popular New Year’s resolutions”
December 12, 2013

Money saving tips for Christmas

If you’re a bit behind on Christmas planning this year – or need a bit of advice to get yourself together in the future – then read on and find out our top tips for saving money over the Christmas period!   Work out your budget then decide on the best possible presents you can […]

Money Saving 0 Replies to “Money saving tips for Christmas”
December 4, 2013

Top gadgets for Christmas

It’s hard to keep up with the latest technology these days – especially if you have gadget queens and kings to buy for this Christmas! We’ve pulled together the next big gadgets for this year to make your Christmas shopping that little bit easier…   The Olloclip – a device that you can connect to […]

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