March 8, 2016

Enjoy St Patrick’s Day without breaking the bank

It’s St. Patrick’s Day next week (the 17th to be exact) and celebrating the life of the Patron Saint of Ireland has become a day full of fun that the whole family can get involved with. Whether you’re Irish, have Irish family or friends, or just like to enjoy the festivities, there are lots of […]

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March 3, 2016

Spring cleaning has started early

It’s the beginning of March and that means one thing and one thing only – spring is on the way! The first day of spring isn’t officially for another couple of weeks but it looks like many people are getting in to the spirit early this year… Over the past week we’ve seen a high […]

March 1, 2016

Mother’s Day in the UK

It’s Mother’s Day in the UK on Sunday and we’re sure many of you are very well prepared and are planning to treat your Mum to something nice. However, if you’re a little less organised and you’re still thinking of what to do to show your Mum you love her on Mother’s Day, we’re here […]

February 25, 2016

A guide to home improvements

Are you thinking about making some home improvements this year? This week, we have a post from our friends over at Sainsbury’s Bank. They’ve provided us with a handy visual guide to improving your home which includes great ideas for all the rooms in your house and also some brilliant advice on how you can improve […]

February 23, 2016

Money saving DIY tips

DIY jobs around the home can often feel like a chore, so many of us end up paying other people to do them – and a lot of the time we end up paying much more than necessary. Whether your bedroom needs a new lick of paint or a few of your floor tiles need […]

February 17, 2016

Connection failure when installing Qmee to Firefox?

Are you having trouble installing the Qmee app to your Firefox browser? Are you getting an error message that says “Cannot connect due to a connection failure on”? We understand how frustrating this is when you’re trying to install the app for the first time. The error message usually means your anti-virus software is […]

February 16, 2016

Enjoying half term on a budget

It’s mid-February and that only means one thing to most parents – it’s the first half term of the year in the UK. The pressure is on to keep the kids entertained and to ensure they have as much fun as possible because we all know they look forward to their time off school more […]

February 11, 2016

Valentine’s Day Gifts for an Undefined Relationship

Whether February 14th is referred to as Singles Awareness Day or Valentine’s Day, it’s a day that merits recognition, so make the best of it regardless of your romantic situation. We’ve decided to help you out by taking the guesswork out of gift-giving for this polarizing holiday and we’ve compiled a list of the best […]

February 9, 2016

Things to do to celebrate Mardi Gras

Today is Mardi Gras! Also known as Fat Tuesday and Shrove Tuesday. It’s celebrated all around the world before Ash Wednesday and is seen as a way to indulge before the start of Lent. The holiday is most celebrated in New Orleans and their celebrations reach a grand scale every year; parades, masquerades and parties […]

February 4, 2016

Huge increase in people looking for vacations

After Winter Storm Jonas left much of the mid-Atlantic through the Northeast buried under snow, and with more than half of the USA experiencing wind chill effects leaving folks feeling the air as cold as 20 degrees below zero, the number of people looking for vacations across the U.S. has jumped up to 120 percent nationally the week […]

February 2, 2016

Money saving tips for Valentine’s Day

It’s the beginning of February and this means one thing and one thing only: Valentine’s Day is approaching! The most romantic day of the year is less than two weeks away and the pressure of doing something wonderful on the 14th for our other half is building. But does doing something wonderful mean having to […]

January 26, 2016

Saving money in January and February

Each month offers a unique opportunity to save money – this month and next are no exception! We have a week left of January so there’s still time to get in to the money-saving frame of mind before February begins. Our Winter Bonus Bonanza is running until February 8th so make sure you join in […]

January 19, 2016

Qmee Winter Bonus Bonanza!

It’s time to walk in a winter wonderland with Qmee! We’re celebrating this snowy season with the Qmee Winter Bonus Bonanza. Every day from January 19th to February 8th we’re releasing some special bonus Qmee results! These will be in addition to the normal results you see on a daily basis. Solve the clues and search for […]

January 12, 2016

Things to do at home in January

January is often a difficult month – the excitement of New Year is over, everyone has gone back to work and bank accounts are stretched to the limit whilst waiting for pay day. We understand why people often get the ‘winter blues’ in January, especially when trying not to do things that cost too much […]

January 5, 2016

Money saving tips for 2016

It’s the first week of a brand new year, the holiday season is over and it’s back to reality – so it’s the perfect time to think about your finances. This might not sound like the most fun thing in the world but it’s necessary if you want to have more money in your savings […]

December 22, 2015

5 ways to get in to the Christmas spirit

It’s almost here, Christmas is only three days away and excitement is filling the air here at Qmee HQ. We’ve finished all our holiday shopping, found some great deals using the Qmee app and our food for Christmas day is ready to be cooked. But how “Christmassy” are you feeling? Sometimes the stress of holiday […]

December 15, 2015

Enjoying December on a budget

We’re in to the third week of December, Christmas is just around the corner and we’re guessing a lot of your time is being spent spending money on gifts for the big day. Although Christmas shopping can be fun, it’s not the only thing you can do in December – there are lots of things you […]

December 10, 2015

Qmee Video Contest winner

As you may have seen, a few weeks ago we ran a Qmee video contest for our users with the grand prize being a gift experience day worth $250. It was a tough job picking a winner because we had so many great videos to choose from but in the end one video really stood […]

December 8, 2015

Last minute gift ideas

Knowing what gifts to buy friends and loved ones during the holidays can be tricky, but finding the right present for others in your life—like your dog walker or your kids’ dance teacher—can be even more perplexing. With the holiday season in full swing, now is the time to wrap up any last-minute shopping for […]

December 1, 2015

Christmas shopping without breaking the bank

December is finally here and that means Christmas is just around the corner – there’s only three weeks left to get all your holiday shopping finished, or to get started if you haven’t done so already. The holiday season is one of the best times of the year as it’s all about being with family […]

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