November 25, 2015

Is Trump a sucker for emotional movies?

(Photo Credit: James Francis / Shutterstock) The Internet has an answer for pretty much everything, which is handy because most of us inquisitive folks have asked it some pretty weird stuff. That little search box has to field millions of queries every day, ranging from the mundane (“How do I use the Internet?”), to the […]

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November 24, 2015

Thanksgiving on a budget

The holidays are almost here so we’ve started to think about what we’re going to do to celebrate. It’s Thanksgiving this week and although this holiday isn’t celebrated in the UK, we know our US users will be getting ready for some Thanksgiving fun. The holidays are a great time to relax and enjoy spending time […]

November 12, 2015

You can now cash out to gift cards!

You asked for them, and we’ve now delivered… We’re extremely excited to announce that we’ve added the option of cashing out your Qmee rewards to gift cards! As well as being able to cash out to your PayPal account or donate to charity, you can now use your rewards to buy an Amazon, iTunes or Starbucks […]

November 6, 2015

The most popular toys in the UK and US

There’s less than seven weeks to go until Christmas so the holiday shopping mania will be starting very soon! Many people (the organized ones!) have started their holiday shopping already. We wanted to find out what the most popular toys and games are at the moment so over the past month we’ve been having a […]

November 3, 2015

Guy Fawkes Night

The excitement of Halloween is over, the decorations have been taken down, but in two days’ time there’s something else to celebrate; “Remember, remember the 5th November” – it’s Guy Fawkes Night (also known as Bonfire Night and Fireworks Night). The 5th November is the day on which we celebrate the discovery of the Gunpowder […]

October 29, 2015

The new sidebar and Qmee Deal Finder

Have you noticed our new look and feel sidebar? We’ve updated the sidebar to make things smarter, cleaner and clearer for our users and it’s ready for you just as you’re about to start your holiday shopping! Holiday season is almost upon us which means it’s almost time to start your holiday shopping – if […]

October 29, 2015

Last minute ideas for Halloween

Halloween is in two days time – have you got your costume ready? If you haven’t, don’t panic, our friends over at Student Money Saver have got some great cheap Halloween costume ideas for you! Take a look a their article below… It’s that time of year again where witches, broomsticks and more cobwebs than […]

October 20, 2015

It’s time to winterize your home

We’re more than half way through October and the weather is happy to let us know! Although some of us may still be seeing a bit of sunshine throughout the day, it’s definitely not warm and the cold, dark mornings are a telling sign that winter is coming. And it’s coming fast! Autumn and winter […]

October 13, 2015

What’s trending this week?

Do you ever wonder what’s the most searched for topic of the day in your area? Well, we do! We’ve been having a look over the past week at what the hot topics are with our US users and what’s been trending in the different US states. From the iPhone 6 to vegetarian recipes, the […]

October 7, 2015

How funny are your searches?

While typing a question in to Google, have you ever wondered if other people ask the same types of questions that you do? We have grown so reliant on the Internet as the ultimate go-to source for all our queries that we ask it everything and anything. Search engines, by nature, invite people to ask any […]

October 6, 2015

It’s Halloween season!

Here at Qmee HQ, we’ve noticed this week that many of our users are searching for things related to Halloween, which we all know is coming up at the end of the month – so we’re guessing that you’re already as excited about it as we are! Trick or treating, pumpkin lanterns and getting all […]

September 29, 2015

Enjoying October on a budget

It’s the end of September tomorrow, October is here and we are officially in to the fall season. And what’s not to love about fall? We get to wrap up warm in fluffy clothes, the trees turn beautiful colours, there are leaves on the ground to crunch through and we get to go splashing about […]

September 22, 2015

It’s apple season in the US!

Did you know that although apples aren’t native to the United States, they’re the second most valuable fruit crop after oranges? And did you also know that apple season is now in full swing! Apple season is typically from mid-August to mid-October and there are more ways to enjoy this delicious season than by just […]

September 15, 2015

Who are you voting for this election?

With the American election kicking off, we’ve had a look at which of the Republican presidential hopefuls is winning the search popularity contest and who is creating the most search buzz. We’ve also compiled the most interesting keywords that users searched with one of the candidates – and some of them are pretty quirky! Take a […]

September 9, 2015

Moms, save more this month

Now we’re all back from splashing out on our summer holiday and spending money on getting the kids ready to go back to school, it’s a good time to think about saving some money throughout autumn – and seeing as autumn is pretty much already here, now is the perfect time to start. We’ve been […]

September 3, 2015

Back to school in the UK

Our American Qmee users have already faced going back to school after their summer break, and now it’s time for our UK users to do the same. Lots of schools and universities in the UK started their first term this week, and many more will be starting next week. As we said in our Back […]

September 2, 2015

Firefox and Qmee update

Firefox user? There has been a recent update in Firefox which means we’ve updated the app for Firefox as well. As the internet browsers continue to update, we need to continue to update our Qmee app. If you’re using Firefox you’ll be prompted to update your app – when you log in to your dashboard […]

August 27, 2015

Getting ready for fall

With cooler temperatures, and soon-to-be fallen leaves, it’s hard to ignore the fact that the fall season is on its’ way – which is in no way a bad thing! As the seasons change, so do our activities and home needs. Summer isn’t over just yet but now is a great time to start getting […]

August 18, 2015

National Friendship Week

If you didn’t already know, it’s National Friendship Week this week – the perfect time to show your friends how much you love them. We strongly believe that life wouldn’t be half as much fun without friends. Whether you have a few close ones you’ve had for years, or you’re a social butterfly and have […]

August 7, 2015

Unlock the key to Qmee!

It’s the middle of summer and we think it’s time to do something fun so we’ve created a Qmee treasure hunt! Every day from August 7th to 27th we’re releasing some special bonus Qmee results! These will be in addition to the normal results you see on a daily basis. Get involved and find the bonus keywords […]

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